achieving change through enterprising solutions

Work IT Out 2


What is Work IT Out 2?

With funding through Multiply – a new £560 million Government programme delivered through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund to help improve functional numeracy skills and transform the lives of adults across the UK, Actes are delivering Work IT Out 2 (WIO2) to help Middlesbrough residents increase their numeracy and develop the necessary skills to progress closer towards employment, education or training.


WIO2 covers the following topics:

  • Completing a Numeracy & Skills Assessment
  • Conducting an online job search
  • Printing off a suitable Work vacancy
  • Completing a budgeting sheet using Excel
  • Completing a better-off calculation using numeracy skills

As part of WIO2, all learners receive support to create a new CV and where required, be signposted to specialist support services, training providers, and/or employment agencies.


How do I refer?

For further information, or to book a place, please contact Paul Wales: 07850 916 308 or via